




Wisconsin State Capitol Engagement Session

Wisconsin State Capitol Engagement Session

January 5, 2021

Snuggling was absolutely necessary during this State Capitol engagement session!! Despite the chilly winter temperature- Elizabeth and Nick were so much fun to capture! The way Elizabeth and Nick interact with one another makes it obvious that these two are totally themselves when they are together. With every little cuddle from Nick, Elizabeth’s smile beamed and her eyes glowed!

Elizabeth and Nick have known each other since high school and have been dating long distance throughout college. They spent hours on Skype before Zoom was even a thing 😉 Some of their favorite things to do together are play card games, baking, and taking walks. Both of them were such troopers and seemed to not even mind the cold air during their session- I mean just look at Elizabeth rocking those high heels! 🙂

Capturing sessions at the State Capitol in Madison will always be a favorite of ours. The dusting of snow and the green wreaths added that extra cozy feeling to these photos. Enjoy our favorites from Elizabeth and Nick’s State Capitol Engagement Session!

state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session

state capitol engagement session

state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session state capitol engagement session

Elizabeth and Nick- we are counting down the days until we get to celebrate you becoming husband and wife! We are sending prayers your way for this last stretch of long distance dating and we know it will only bring you closer in the end! xoxo, Andrea and Cody

state capitol engagement session

To see more Andrea Marie Engagement Sessions, click here!

  1. […] hard to describe it adequately! Cody and I have known Elizabeth and Nick were special since their Wisconsin State Capitol Engagement session this January. We left that session absolutely frozen to the bone, yet our hearts were so full of […]


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